Question: 1 / 220

What does the term "Kriah" symbolize in Jewish customs?

A gesture of celebration

A symbol of grief through tearing

The term "Kriah" symbolizes a deep expression of grief in Jewish customs, specifically through the act of tearing one's clothing. This practice is a traditional mourning ritual observed during times of loss, especially when a close family member passes away. The act of tearing signifies the mourner's profound sorrow and is often performed at the funeral or shortly after learning of the death. It emphasizes the physical manifestation of emotional pain, creating a visible representation of the mourner's inner turmoil. This somber gesture is generally accompanied by reciting specific prayers and is a part of the mourning process, as it allows the bereaved to focus on their loss and express their grief in a culturally significant way. The symbolism of Kriah is deeply rooted in Jewish laws and customs regarding mourning, marking it as an essential component of the funeral and grieving process.

A method of burial

A traditional song for mourning


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